Post by Admin on Oct 19, 2021 19:19:24 GMT
Fighting Style and Technique Guide
Fighting Styles
Overview: Fighting Styles encompass unique methods of battle that are practiced either by a Species, organization of small group of individuals proficiently. Examples include Fishman karate for fishmen, or Rokushiki for members of the Cypher Pole, etc. While it is possible for individuals outside of these groups or species to possibly learn these Fighting styles to some extent, it is not common. Below are the mechanical details for Fighting Styles:
Fighting Style Acquisition/Limits: All Characters receive 1 Fighting Style for free, this Fighting Style may be a Canon Fighting Style they could realistically learn/use, or a Custom Fighting Style. Characters can acquire additional Fighting Styles from the Martial Lineage ‘Lineage Factor’, the Martial Artist, and Devil Fruit Consumption Perk. Character may only have 3 Fighting Styles at any given time.
Fighting Style Name: This is the name of the Fighting Style. The simplest, yet potentially hardest part of a Custom Fighting Style. Be sure to have fun with this part and make the Name whatever you want, so long as it is appropriate for both the forum and the description of the Custom Fighting Style.
Fighting Style Requirements: Typically this will be something related to a Characters background, an organization, an island, or Devil Fruit. It is recommended that no more than three Requirements be added to any Fighting Style if that. Requirements are not necessary for Fighting Styles, and if none are desired then you may put N/A in this section.
Trained by X Requirements: Whenever a Canon or Custom Fighting Style refers to “trained by a Character who qualifies for one of the previous requirements” then the “training” in question is as follows: See an Adventure through to the end (even if it fails) on the same side as the Character who is required to train you.
Fighting Style Basis: All Fighting Styles have one or more Basis for their functionality. A Basis can be anything, from the Characters body to a specific weapon or type or weapon, to the Characters Devil Fruit, the sky is the limit. While there is no hard limit on how many Basis may be present within a Fighting Style, it is recommended that no more than three-five Basis be chosen, simply because every Technique within the Fighting Style must in some way adhere to at least half, rounded down, the listed Basis.
For example: A Fighting Style lists as it’s Basis: “Utilization of the Characters Body for Combat, Water in the environment” then every Technique in that Fighting Style must in some way, description wise, use either the Characters Body and/or the water in the environment. Thusly adding more Basis for the sake of covering everything will quickly lead to complicated Techniques that require multiple factors to function and could quickly become unusable should one or more of the factors not be able to be met.
For this reason, a further recommendation when choosing Basis is to strike a balance between being descriptive and vague. Instead of putting a specific named weapon down for the basis, put what sort of weapon it is instead, example: instead of putting X Weapons name as a Basis, put Swords or bladed weapons as a Basis. It is also recommended that should a Character possess a Devil Fruit and they only have one Fighting Style, due to a Players choice on the matter, that said Fighting Style in some way uses the Characters Devil Fruit as a Basis, but you don’t have to.
Rare Effects: Rare Effects are just that, Effects which are either more difficult to use or not commonly found throughout the world or in every Fighting Style. Fighting Styles can only have one Rare Effect selected, unless the Character has the Unusual Tactics Perk, in which case the Characters Fighting Style may each select two Rare Effects. The same Rare Effect cannot be selected multiple times on both the same Fighting Style.
Fighting Style Description: The Fighting Styles Description can cover anything, from the history of the Fighting Style to how the current Character uses it, and anything in-between. It might be best to describe the usage of the basis and the concept of the Fighting Style in the Description for it, and while there is no word limit or minimum for Fighting Style descriptions, view it as an opportunity to be creative, as a solid description can help create Techniques later.
Fighting Style Aspects: Fighting Style Aspects are effects or conditions that apply to every Technique apart of a Fighting Style. What each Aspect does will be listed in the description of the Aspect itself. Fighting Styles can only have one Aspect unless the Character is a Paramecia Devil Fruit user and has the Versatile Power Devil Fruit Aspect, is of the Oni Species, has taken the Martial Excellence Perk, and/or has the Legendary perk Martial Master, with each one of these increasing the number of Custom Aspects a Fighting Style may have apply to it by 1. Anyone Fighting Style may only have a total of 3 Aspects, Canon, Devil Fruit, or Custom, applied to it, the exception is awakened Devil Fruit users who could possess a total of 4 through various combinations.
Fighting Style Categories: Fighting Styles come in 2 Categories, Canon and Custom. Canon Fighting Styles are just that, select Fighting Styles from the canon of the series which have been adapted for Characters use on Blue Abyss. Custom Fighting Styles are the opposite of Canon Fighting Styles in that they aren’t adapted for use by Characters but rather created for specific Characters. Below is the list of how Canon Fighting Styles and Custom Fighting Styles work in better detail:
Canon Fighting Styles: Canon Fighting Styles are Fighting Styles shown in some capacity in the series proper. Canon Fighting Styles function similarly to Custom Fighting Styles, with the added note that Canon Fighting Styles can’t be customized beyond the addition of more to the Canon Fighting Styles Basis. Any Character may utilize Canon Fighting Styles so long as they meet the requirements of the Fighting Style.
Fighting Style Name: Fishman Karate
Requirements: The Character is of the Fishman Species, trained by a Character who qualifies for the previous requirement
Basis: Utilization of the Characters Body for Combat, Water in the Environment
Rare Effect: Acceleration
Description: Fishman Karate is the mastery of the water in the users direct vicinity. By utilizing such water, the user can send out powerful shock waves impacting the water in the opponent’s body. The fighting Style can also manipulate larger bodies of water around the individual or even particles of water in the air to attack or defend against.
Canon Aspect Name: Fishman Karate Prowess
Requirements: Same as Canon Styles Requirements.
Effect: All Fishmen Karate Techniques Usage Cost are decreased by 1, to a minimum of 1. Must be either of the Fishman or merfolk race or have been trained specifically by one of the Species to possess this Fighting style.
Fighting Style Name: Merman Combat
Requirements: The Character is of the Merfolk Species
Basis: Utilization of the Characters Body for Combat, Water in the environment
Rare Effect: Acceleration
Description: Merman Combat is similar to Fishman Karate in that it is the mastery of the water in the users direct vicinity. Merman combat tends to focus on the manipulation of large bodies of water over the water in the air but can still perform the same deadly shockwaves that fishman Karate does.
Canon Aspect Name: Merman Combat Prowess
Requirements: Same as Canon Styles Requirements.
Effect: All Merman Combat Techniques Usage Cost are decreased by 1, to a minimum of 1. Must be either of the Fishman or merfolk race or have been trained specifically by one of the Species to possess this Fighting style.
Fighting Style Name: Electro
Requirements: The Character is of the Mink Species
Basis: Utilization of the Fur, Hair, or other Static conducting objects on the Characters Body for Combat
Rare Effect: Paralysis
Description: Electro is the art of channeling electricity through parts of the users bodies to shock anything they touch. This allows the user to deal punishing damage and to inflict paralysis in their targets. This Fighting Style can also be channeled through weapons the user is touching, making it quite versatile. All Minks can utilize Electro, even Infants and elders, to the point where if an individual can’t utilize Electro then they aren’t really a mink.
Canon Aspect Name: Electro Prowess
Requirements: Same as Canon Styles Requirements.
Effect: All Electro Techniques which fall under the Damage Category automatically have the Stun Effect applied to them, with the power of the Stun equal to the Usage Cost of the Technique being used.
Fighting Style Name: Rokushiki
Requirements: Member of Cipher Pol, Former Member of Cipher Pol, trained by a Character who qualifies for one of the previous requirements
Basis: Utilization of the Characters Body for Combat
Rare Effect: Acceleration
Description: Rokushiki is a superhuman martial art fighting style that revolves around Six/Seven Techniques: Geppo which allows the user to jump off the air itself, Tekkai which hardens the users muscles allowing them to endure powerful blows, Shigan which has the user push their finger into a target at such a high speed as to imitate a bullet wound, Rankyaku which allows the user to send out a wind projectile from their kicks at a compressed and high speed, Soru, allowing the user to move at high speeds, Kami-e which allows the user to make their body flexible to avoid attacks, and Rokugan the ultimate Technique that launches a powerful shockwave towards their opponent from their hands, which can cause devastating internal injuries.
Canon Aspect Name: Super Human Prowess
Requirements: Same as Canon Styles Requirements.
Effect: All Rokushiki Techniques have their Creation Cost reduced by 1 point, to a minimum of 1 point. Must be a member of Cypher Pole or trained by one who knows this Fighting style.
Custom Fighting Styles: Custom Fighting Styles are Fighting Styles which are fully invented by Players and typically apply to just their own Character or a select group of Characters. Unlike Canon Fighting Styles, Custom Fighting Styles may be customized in any way, shape, or form that the Player desires, utilizing the template. Custom Fighting Styles may also be applied to Canon Fighting Styles or Devil Fruit Fighting Styles depending on if the Character is a Paramecia Devil Fruit user and has the Versatile Power Devil Fruit Aspect, is of the Oni Species, has taken the Martial Excellence Perk, and/or has the Legendary perk Martial Master. Below is a list of Custom Fighting Style Aspects that can apply to any Custom Fighting Style:
Custom Aspect Name: Ferocious
Requirements: N/A
Effect: +10 Melee damage, +10 Ranged Damage, or +5 Melee and Ranged Damage, chosen upon making the Fighting Style, for all Techniques with the Damage Category apart of this Fighting Style.
Custom Aspect Name: Merciful
Requirements: The Character Possesses Doctor/Scientist profession.
Effect: +5% Healing for all Techniques with the Healing Category apart of this Fighting Style. If the Character has the Doctor Profession, this provides +10% to Healing Techniques instead of +5% to healing Techniques.
Custom Aspect Name: Stalwart
Requirements: N/A
Effect: +5% Physical Damage Resistance, and/or +5% Mental Damage Resistance for all Techniques with the Defense Category apart of this Fighting Style.
Custom Aspect Name: Mental
Requirements: N/A
Effect: Up to the Characters Tier in Techniques, a part of this Fighting Style, can utilize Mental Damage instead of Physical Damage. List this option under the effects part of the Template for said Techniques that utilize this effect. This Effect does not count against the Effect limit Techniques have.
Custom Aspect Name: Afflicting
Requirements: N/A
Effect: +1 Round Duration for the Common Effects, De-Buff’s/Damage Over Time/Slowing, that target hostile individuals for Techniques apart of this Fighting Style, to a Maximum of 4 Rounds.
Custom Aspect Name: Debilitating
Requirements: Afflicting Custom Aspect must be chosen for the same fighting style that this Custom Aspect is selected for.
Effect: +1 Round Duration for the Rare Effects, Shatter/Disable, that target hostile individuals for Techniques apart of this Fighting Style, to a Maximum of 4 Rounds.
Custom Aspect Name: Beneficent
Requirements: N/A
Effect: +1 Round Duration for the Common Rare Effect, Buff’s, that target Friendly individuals for Techniques apart of this Fighting Style, to a maximum of 4 Rounds.
Custom Aspect Name: Generous
Requirements: Beneficent Custom Aspect must be chosen for the same fighting style that this Custom Aspect is selected for.
Effect: +1 Round Duration for the Rare Effects, Accelerating/Vitality/Camouflage, that target Friendly individuals (Buffing, etc.) for Techniques apart of this Fighting Style, to a maximum of 4 Rounds.
Custom Aspect Name: Reinforcements
Requirements: N/A
Effect: The Characters may Select/utilize the Rare Effect Summoning in this Fighting Style.
Technique Overview:Techniques are Characters named, and more potent actions that allow Characters to perform a greater variety than Basic Attacks do. The full Descriptions for Techniques are detailed below.
Technique Points: Technique Points show both the Power and the Cost associated with the creation and utilization of Techniques. Techniques Points influence the Power Level of a Technique, along with how much it costs out of a Character’s Technique Point total, and how many Action Points the Technique takes to use during a Round. These ways in which Technique Points are used are listed in detail below:
Acquisition: All Characters at Creation are given 10 Technique points, and receive +5 additional Technique Points for Tier’s 2-5. This value can be increased via Species, Perks, or Professions.
Techniques Costs: Techniques have two costs associated with them. These come in the forms of the Creation Cost and the Utilization Cost, both of which are detailed below:
Technique Power Levels: A Techniques Power Level determines how potent the Technique is within it's own Category. The Scale for Technique power level is 1-5. Technique Power Level also determines the base Creation Cost and the base Utilization Cost of the Technique, so a Power Level 3 Technique would Cost 3 Technique Points and a 3 Action points to perform before any modifications are made.
Creation Cost: The Creation Cost of a Technique determines how both how many Technique Points a Technique uses from a Characters Technique Point Pool, and the Power level of the Technique. The Creation Cost of a Technique may be modified to a maximum of +/- 1 with + meaning the Technique Cost more of the Characters Technique Points to possess it, and – meaning the Technique Costs less of the Characters Technique Points to Possess it. The Creation Cost of a Technique is used to determine the Techniques Power Level, and when doing so use the unmodified Creation Cost; Example: A Technique has a Creation Cost of 3, but the Character somehow decreases this Creation Cost by 1 Point, when determining the Power Level of the Technique use the original Cost before the decrease was applied, so in this instance that Value is 3 and not the Modified Value of 2.
Utilization Cost: The utilization Cost of a Technique determined how many Action Points a Technique costs to use during a Round. The utilization Cost of a Technique may be modified to a Maximum of +/- 1, with + Requiring more Action Points to use and – requiring less Action Points to use. The Utilization Cost has no effect on the Power Level of a Technique.
Technique Targets: Technique Targets indicate how many Characters a Technique may effect at a time. Techniques may target either a Single Character/Minion/Adversary or Multiple Characters/Minion/Adversaries. The difference between Single Target Techniques and Multiple Target Techniques is listed individually under the Technique Categories themselves. Multiple Target Techniques may only Target up to several Characters/Minion/Adversaries Equal to the unmodified Power level of the Technique, Example: A Power Level 3 Technique may target up to 3 Characters/Minion/Adversaries.
In addition, Techniques of the Damage/Defense Technique Category may be further categorized as Single Target or Multiple Target. Single Target Damage Category Techniques have no modifier to their Values and may be used normally, Multiple Target Techniques have their Utilization Cost increased by +1 Action Point, this cost increase bypasses the limitation of a maximum Utilization Cost increase of +1 Action Point, and Cost 1 additional Action point to Dodge, but only uses Three Fourth of the Techniques Total Power.
Technique Categories: Techniques come in four flavors, known as Categories, and all Techniques fall under one or more of these Categories, they are as follows: Damage, Defense, Healing, and Effect. Techniques that fall under only one of the Previously Mentioned Categories use the full Values found in each Categories Description when created, however, Techniques may fall under a maximum of two Categories, in this instance they use the Modified Values listed underneath Multiple Category Techniques. The descriptions for each Category, and Multiple Category Techniques will be listed proper below:
Damage Technique Category: The Damage Category is what it says on the tin, dealing Damage. For a Technique to have this Category Applied to it, the Technique in question must deal Damage to a Characters or Targets Health Value. In addition, to signify the power of Techniques when compared to Basic Attacks, Techniques add additional + to Physical/Mental Melee Damage, and + to Physical/Mental Ranged Damage, depending upon the unmodified Power Level of the Technique. The list for both Additional +’s depending on unmodified Technique Power levels is below:
Power Level 1 Techniques: Below are the values added to a Character whenever they are using a Technique with an unmodified Power Level of 1:
Single Target Melee Techniques: +5 Physical/Mental Melee Damage
Single Target Ranged Techniques: +5 Physical/Mental Ranged Damage
Power Level 2 Techniques: Below are the values added to a Character whenever they are using a Technique with an unmodified Power Level of 2:
Single Target Melee Techniques: +10 Physical/Mental Melee Damage
Single Target Ranged Techniques: +10 Physical/Mental Ranged Damage
Multiple Target Target Melee Techniques: +5 Physical/Mental Melee Damage
Multiple Target Ranged Techniques: +5 Physical/Mental Ranged Damage
Power Level 3 Techniques: Below are the values added to a Character whenever they are using a Technique with an unmodified Power Level of 3:
Single Target Melee Techniques: +15 Physical/Mental Melee Damage
Single Target Ranged Techniques: +15 Physical/Mental Ranged Damage
Multiple Target Target Melee Techniques: +10 Physical/Mental Melee Damage
Multiple Target Ranged Techniques: +10 Physical/Mental Ranged Damage
Power Level 4 Techniques: Below are the values added to a Character whenever they are using a Technique with an unmodified Power Level of 4:
Single Target Melee Techniques: +25 Physical/Mental Melee Damage
Single Target Ranged Techniques: +25 Physical/Mental Ranged Damage
Multiple Target Target Melee Techniques: +15 Physical/Mental Melee Damage
Multiple Target Ranged Techniques: +15 Physical/Mental Ranged Damage
Power Level 5 Techniques: Below are the values added to a Character whenever they are using a Technique with an unmodified Power Level of 5:
Single Target Melee Techniques: +35 Physical/Mental Melee Damage
Single Target Ranged Techniques: +35 Physical/Mental Ranged Damage
Multiple Target Target Melee Techniques: +25 Physical/Mental Melee Damage
Multiple Target Ranged Techniques: +25 Physical/Mental Ranged Damage
Defensive Technique Category: The Damage Category of Techniques focuses on defending the Character and/or their Crewmates/Allies from attacks directed towards them. Thusly defensive Techniques are support based in the majority of their application, and tend to be straight forward in their purpose, preventing individuals from taking a whole lot of Damage. Unlike the Damage Category, Defensive Techniques do not have an equivalent Action, such as Basic Attacks, and instead may be judged on a Character-to-Character basis, depending on the Characters own Physical/Mental Damage Resistances. This means that Defensive Techniques typically only compound with other passive defensive increases such as from Attributes, Perks, Equipment, etc. Defensive Techniques do not stack with one another, so only one Defensive Technique may be applied to a Character at a time, with the strongest Technique typically taking priority.
Power Level 1 Techniques: Below are the values added to a Character whenever they are using a Technique with an unmodified Power Level of 1:
Single Target Physical Defensive Techniques: +5% Physical Damage Resistance
Single Target Mental Defensive Techniques: +5% Mental Damage Resistance
Power Level 2 Techniques: Below are the values added to a Character whenever they are using a Technique with an unmodified Power Level of 2:
Single Target Physical Defensive Techniques: +10% Physical Damage Resistance
Single Target Mental Defensive Techniques: +10% Mental Damage Resistance
Multiple Target Physical Defensive Techniques: +5% Physical Damage Resistance
Multiple Target Mental Defensive Techniques: +5% Mental Damage Resistance
Power Level 3 Techniques: Below are the values added to a Character whenever they are using a Technique with an unmodified Power Level of 3:
Single Target Physical Defensive Techniques: +15% Physical Damage Resistance
Single Target Mental Defensive Techniques: +15% Mental Damage Resistance
Multiple Target Physical Defensive Techniques: +10% Physical Damage Resistance
Multiple Target Mental Defensive Techniques: +10% Mental Damage Resistance
Power Level 4 Techniques: Below are the values added to a Character whenever they are using a Technique with an unmodified Power Level of 4:
Single Target Physical Defensive Techniques: +20% Physical Damage Resistance
Single Target Mental Defensive Techniques: +20% Mental Damage Resistance
Multiple Target Physical Defensive Techniques: +15% Physical Damage Resistance
Multiple Target Mental Defensive Techniques: +15% Mental Damage Resistance
Power Level 5 Techniques: Below are the values added to a Character whenever they are using a Technique with an unmodified Power Level of 5:
Single Target Physical Defensive Techniques: +30% Physical Damage Resistance
Single Target Mental Defensive Techniques: +30% Mental Damage Resistance
Multiple Target Physical Defensive Techniques: +20% Physical Damage Resistance
Multiple Target Mental Defensive Techniques: +20% Mental Damage Resistance
Healing Technique Category: Techniques of the Healing Category restore the Health, Limbs, Organs, etc. of those affected by them. When Describing a Healing Technique, despite there being no true ramification for lost limbs or organs, it is best to not create Techniques that can restore every aspect of a Characters body, unless it would be fitting of the Character who possess the Technique; in essence, please do not go overboard with how well fluff wise a Technique heals a Character and try to keep to the Guidelines presented below. Healing Techniques function similar to Damage Techniques, recovering their Targets Health in a one to one % Ratio. Example: A Character has 90% of their 100% health remaining, and they use a healing Technique on themselves that Restores 10% Health, they would immediately go back to 100% Health. Healing Techniques may only be utilized by Character who have either the Doctor Profession, Scientist Profession, or having taken the Healing Factor Devil Fruit Aspect. A Character may only be the Target of any Healing Technique once per Round.
Power Level 1 Techniques: Below are the values added to a Character whenever they are using a Technique with an unmodified Power Level of 1:
Single Target Health Value Restored: Restore 10% to the Target Characters Health Value.
Injury Types Healed: Shallow Cuts and Bruises.
Multiple Target Health Value Restored: Restore 10% to the Target Characters Health Value.
Injury Types Healed: Shallow Cuts and Bruises.
Power Level 2 Techniques: Below are the values added to a Character whenever they are using a Technique with an unmodified Power Level of 2:
Single Target Health Value Restored: Restore 15% to the Target Characters Health Value.
Injury Types Healed: Shallow Cuts and Bruises, Fractures.
Multiple Target Health Value Restored: Restore 10% to the Target Characters Health Value.
Injury Types Healed: Shallow Cuts and Bruises.
Power Level 3 Techniques: Below are the values added to a Character whenever they are using a Technique with an unmodified Power Level of 3:
Single Target Health Value Restored: Restore 20% to the Target Characters Health Value.
Injury Types Healed: Shallow Cuts and Bruises, Fractures, Deep Cuts.
Multiple Target Health Value Restored: Restore 15% to the Target Characters Health Value.
Injury Types Healed: Shallow Cuts and Bruises, Fractures.
Power Level 4 Techniques: Below are the values added to a Character whenever they are using a Technique with an unmodified Power Level of 4:
Single Target Health Value Restored: Restore 30% to the Target Characters Health Value.
Injury Types Healed: Shallow Cuts and Bruises, Fractures, Deep Cuts, Broken Bones.
Multiple Target Health Value Restored: Restore 20% to the Target Characters Health Value.
Injury Types Healed: Shallow Cuts and Bruises, Fractures, Deep Cuts.
Power Level 5 Techniques: Below are the values added to a Character whenever they are using a Technique with an unmodified Power Level of 5:
Single Target Health Value Restored: Restore 40% to the Target Characters Health Value.
Injury Types Healed: Shallow Cuts and Bruises, Fractures, Deep Cuts, Broken Bones, Wounded Organs.
Multiple Target Health Value Restored: Restore 30% to the Target Characters Health Value.
Injury Types Healed: Shallow Cuts and Bruises, Fractures, Deep Cuts, Broken Bones.
Effects Technique Category: Techniques of the Effect Category cover unusual statuses, be they positive or negative that can affect a Character. From Buffing Attributes to De-Buffing Attributes, to Paralyzing a target or damaging it over time, the Effect category covers all of it. The major difference between the Effect Category and other Technique Categories is that the Effect Category is organized into two sections, Common Effects and Rare Effects. Common Effects are just that, Common Effects which may be utilized in any Technique, of this Category, in any Fighting Style. Rare Effects are just that, Rare Effects whose rarity is shown through a limit of only one of the listed Rare Effects may be utilized by Techniques in a Fighting Style. These sections are listed in greater detail below:
Common Effects: Effects shown under the Common Effects section may be Utilized by any Technique that is of the Effects Technique Category. No Character may be affected by the same Effect at the same time more than once. For example: A Character may not be Affected by two Buff Effects that apply to the same Attribute, a Character cannot be affected by more than one Stun Effect at a time, etc.
Effect Name: Buff’s
Description: Buff’s add +1 to a characters attribute. Multiple attributes can be increased this way, but every attribute can only be increased by a maximum of +1. Attributes cannot be modified above 8 points. Whenever a buff effect is used, the buff is presumed active from that point in the round it was used and for an additional number of rounds equal to the power rating of the technique the buff originates from. Depending on the power rating of a technique, a different number of attributes can be buffed:
Single Target
Level 1: N/A
Level 2: 1 Attribute
Level 3: 2 Attributes
Level 4: 3 Attributes
Level 5: 4 Attributes
Multiple Target
Level 1: N/A
Level 2: N/A
Level 3: 1 Attributes
Level 4: 2 Attributes
Level 5: 3 Attributes
Effect Name:De-Buff’s
Description: De-Buff’s Subtract -1 to a targets attribute. Multiple attributes can be decreased this way, but every attribute can only be decreased by a maximum of -1. Attributes cannot be decreased below 1 point. Depending on the power rating of a technique, a different number of attributes can be de-buffed:
Single Target
Level 1: N/A
Level 2: 1 Attribute
Level 3: 2 Attributes
Level 4: 3 Attributes
Level 5: 4 Attributes
Multiple Target
Level 1: N/A
Level 2: N/A
Level 3: 1 Attributes
Level 4: 2 Attributes
Level 5: 3 Attributes
Effect Name: Damage Over Time
Description: Damage over time: abbreviated as DoT, is damage which resolves over multiple rounds. The damage resolved is in addition to other effects or damage applied to the technique.
Single Target
Level 1: N/A
Level 2: 10 per Round
Level 3: 15 per Round
Level 4: 20 per Round
Level 5: 25 per Round
Multiple Target
Level 1: N/A
Level 2: 5 per Round
Level 3: 10 per Round
Level 4: 15 per Round
Level 5: 20 per Round
Effect Name: Stuns
Description: Stuns refer to the act of briefly disorienting a targets ability to fight. Stuns reduce a targets action points by the amount specified for the techniques power level during the next round that the target activates.
Single Target
Level 1: 1 Action Point
Level 2: 2 Action Points
Level 3: 3 Action Points
Level 4: 4 Action Points
Level 5: 5 Action Points
Multiple Target
Level 1: N/A
Level 2: 1 Action Point
Level 3: 2 Action Points
Level 4: 3 Action Points
Level 5: 4 Action Points
Effect Name: Slowing
Description: Slowing refers to the reduction of a targets movement speed. This is represented by the slowing techniques reducing a Targets action points, to a minimum of 1, by the amount specified to the techniques power level. Targets can only be affected by 1 slowing effect at a time.
Single Target
Level 1: 1 Action Point
Level 2: 2 Action Points
Level 3: 3 Action Points
Level 4: 4 Action Points
Level 5: 5 Action Points
Multiple Target
Level 1: N/A
Level 2: 1 Action Point
Level 3: 2 Action Points
Level 4: 3 Action Points
Level 5: 4 Action Points
Rare Effects: Rare Effects are more Potent Effects that are hard to Utilize for most individuals. Unlike Common Effects Fighting Style may only utilize one Rare Effect selected from the list below in their Techniques. This Value may only be increased via Unusual Tactics Perk, or the Contract Devil Fruit Physiology. No Character may be affected by the same Effect at the same time more than once. For example: A Character may not benefit from the Accelerating effect more than once at a time, a Character cannot be affected by more than one Paralysis Effect at a time, etc. Rare Effects can never be Multiple Target Techniques.
Effect Name: Accelerating
Description: Accelerating increases the targets agility and movement allowing for more actions per round.
Single Target
Level 1: 1 Action Point
Level 2: 2 Action Points
Level 3: 3 Action Points
Level 4: 4 Action Points
Level 5: 5 Action Points
Effect Name: Assimilation
Description: Assimilation is the absorption of the surroundings or other aspects of the environment to empower the user. Assimilation allows a character to increase their other techniques Physical/Mental Melee Damage and Physical/Mental Ranged Damage, within the same Fighting Style as this Rare Effect is present, by +5 for as long as the assimilation technique is active for. This effect can only target the user.
Effect Name: Vitality
Description: The user empowers their body with newfound, but temporary vigor to increase their tolerance for punishment. Characters can only be affected by one Vitality Technique at a time.
Single Target
Level 1: N/A
Level 2: +25 Health
Level 3: +50 Health
Level 4: +100 Health
Level 5: +150 Health
Multiple Target
Level 1: N/A
Level 2: N/A
Level 3: +25 Health
Level 4: +50 Health
Level 5: +100 Health
Effect Name: Shatter
Description: The users Techniques can shatter apart a targets defenses. Characters/Minion/Adversaries may only be affected by one Shatter Technique at a time.
Single Target
Level 1: N/A
Level 2: -5% Physical/mental Damage Resistance
Level 3: -10% Physical/mental Damage Resistance
Level 4: -15% Physical/mental Damage Resistance
Level 5: -20% Physical/mental Damage Resistance
Multiple Target
Level 1: N/A
Level 2: N/A
Level 3: -5% Physical/mental Damage Resistance
Level 4: -10% Physical/mental Damage Resistance
Level 5: -15% Physical/mental Damage Resistance
Effect Name: Relocation
Description: Relocation is the act of a Character moving their body from one location to another rapidly. Relocation allows a Character to gain additional Reaction points depending on the Power Level of the Technique. This Effect cannot have its utilization cost decreased by any means. This effect can only target the user.
Single Target
Level 1: N/A
Level 2: N/A
Level 3: 1 Reaction Points
Level 4: 2 Reaction Points
Level 5: 3 Reaction Points
Effect Name: Camouflage
Description: Camouflage is the hiding of one’s own form into the environment, making one harder to detect and fight against. Camouflage allows the Character to make several Basic Attacks, equal to the Power Level of the Technique unable to be Blocked by Reaction points for several Rounds equal to the Techniques Power Level. Camouflage Techniques allow a Character to once per Combat Thread/Adventure escape from a Combat without needing to wait a turn. If the Character flees this way during a Player Adversaries or a PvP fight with multiple combatants, then the user cannot reenter Combat for the remainder of Combat/Adventure.
Effect Name: Disable
Description: Disable is the effect of damaging equipment, such as rusting them, super heating, etc. Any Character hit by a Technique with the Disable Effect will have pieces of Equipment, chosen by the user of the Technique, while using it, to no longer have any effect on the Character utilizing the Equipment in question, until the duration of the effect is up. Disable may only affect a Character up to 2 times in 1 Combat. Disable Techniques are always Single Target.
Single Target
Level 1: N/A
Level 2: 2 Rounds, 1 Piece of Equipment
Level 3: 2 Rounds, 2 Pieces of Equipment
Level 4: 2 Rounds, 3 Pieces of Equipment
Level 5: 2 Rounds, 4 Pieces of Equipment
Effect Name: Summoning
Description: Summoning is the act of a Character calling forth Allies to aid them in combat or other tasks. Summoning allows the Character to Summon a group of Minions to fight alongside them. The number and strength of which is dependent upon the Power Level of the Technique. Summoning Techniques can only be utilized once per Combat/Adventure Thread, per unmodified Power Level Technique. Summons do not have a duration and last until defeated. These Minions cannot gain Adversary Abilities and cannot have Determination Points. Summoning Techniques can have a maximum Power Level of 4. Only Characters with the Minions Devil Fruit Fighting Style Aspect or the Reinforcements Custom Fighting Style Aspect may utilize the Rare Effect Summoning.
Single Target
Level 1: N/A
Level 2: Average Minions
Level 3: Elite Minions (Tier 2)
Level 4: Colossal Minions (Tier 4)
Level 5: N/A
Effect Name: Paralysis
Description: Paralysis describes the rendering of a target’s physical form helpless for a short time. Paralysis, when it triggers disables a Targets ability to utilize all action points from that point forward during the round. Paralysis is assumed to always be the first action reacted to during a round. Paralysis only ever lasts for 1 round. A Character may not suffer from the Paralysis Effect in the consecutive Round that they were Affected by Paralysis, regardless of the originating source. Paralysis Techniques are always single target.
Multiple Category Techniques: Though typically Techniques utilize only one Category, they can utilize up to two of the four Categories above. Whenever a Technique utilizes Multiple Categories replace the values listed above with the values listed below for all Categories utilized. Example: A Damage and Effect Multiple Category Technique would use the values below for the damage and duration of their effects instead of the values listed in the individual’s categories above. Multiple Category Techniques can never be Multiple Target Techniques.
Technique Power Level 1:
Damage Category Techniques: N/A
Defense Category Techniques: N/A
Healing Category Techniques:N/A
Effect Category Techniques: N/A
Technique Power Level 2:
Damage Category Techniques: +10 Physical/Mental Melee/Ranged Damage
Defense Category Techniques: +5% Physical Damage Resistance or +5% Mental Damage Resistance
Healing Category Techniques: 5% Health Restored
Effect Category Techniques: 1 Round Effect Duration if applicable
Technique Power Level 3:
Damage Category Techniques: +15 Physical/Mental Melee/Ranged Damage
Defense Category Techniques: +10% Physical Damage Resistance or +10% Mental Damage Resistance
Healing Category Techniques: 10% Health Restored
Effect Category Techniques: 2 Round Effect Duration if applicable
Technique Power Level 4:
Damage Category Techniques: +20 Physical/Mental Melee/Ranged Damage
Defense Category Techniques: +15% Physical Damage Resistance or +15% Mental Damage Resistance
Healing Category Techniques: 15% Health Restored
Effect Category Techniques: 3 Round Effect Duration
Technique Power Level 5:
Damage Category Techniques: +30 Physical/Mental Melee/Ranged Damage
Defense Category Techniques: +20% Physical Damage Resistance or +20% Mental Damage Resistance
Healing Category Techniques: 20% Health Restored
Effect Category Techniques: 4 Round Effect Duration